New Goodies!

Oh my gosh guys!!! I have to show you my new goodies from my shopping trip the other day! Yeah, I know, I actually left the house and went shopping. It was a beautiful day and now it’s just cold and yucky. I will be in hybernation mode soon and then all of my fun shopping will be done on Amazon. The cold makes my body hurt and then my fingers and toes go numb, its so much fun.

Anyway, back to my new goodies! Most of them are for my planner. I’m stocking up for when I’m stuck in the house! I started out on my way to Hobby Lobby and I ended going to Michael’s too.20181107_115904

Hobby Lobby had all of their Paper Studio products 50% off. I don’t shop at Hobby Lobby or Michael’s unless what I want is on sale.


I always need pens and stencils!



Michael’s had all of their Planners and Accessories on sale for 40% off so I had to have more stickers.


I had to have the pink paper and I love lists!


I have to share these little guys! I didn’t buy them so I may have to go back. They are too cute!


I also bought another insert for my planner. I feel like I actually need this one.











And last but not least I grabbed a few patterns that I absolutely had to have! You can’t beat $1.99 when the patterns are originally about $18. Now I have to drag out my sewing machine.



Oh yeah, I also bought one of those Diamond Art things with my 40% coupon. I have been dying to try it. That will be a whole other post hopefully sometime this week.

As always, thank you so much for taking time out of your day to visit me. Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday! See ya soon!


Loving My New Planner

Hi y’all! Hope everyone is doing well on this Saturday morning! I told the hubbs last night that I was going to sleep in this morning. He said, “yeah right!”. So, when I turn down the bed on Friday night I close the black-out curtains, I don’t do this through the week because I’m afraid I will oversleep.

When I woke up this morning I looked at my phone, “5AM! NO!”. I rolled over and tryed my hardest to go back to sleep, but it wasn’t happening, so I slipped into my fuzzy boots and made my way to the coffee pot. I made a cup of coffee, put on my fleece jacket and walked outside.

Ummm….Nope! It was, dark, foggy and a very brisk 37 degrees! My dogs wouldn’t even go outside! They looked at me like I was crazy!20181103_0530464840640312365223548.jpg

I turned right back around after I snapped my pic for you guys and headed for the laundry room. I threw a load of towels in the washing machine and decided to go ahead and wash the pans that I had soaking on the counter. Once that was done I decided to grab my new planner and turn on some Perry Mason.

I have to show you guys this new planner! It is gorgeous! I saw some at Wal-mart the other day and I talked myself out of getting one. I have this weird obsession with planners, notebooks, decorative paper, stickers, pens, etc…

The problem is, I’m running out of places to put all of these things that I love. I’m not supposed to be buying stuff, I’m supposed to be getting rid of stuff.

Then I made the mistake of going to Michaels the other day! They can see me coming from a mile away! They put the darn things right in the middle of the aisle where I have to walk by. I can’t just walk by, I have to stop and look and touch everything. This time I couldn’t talk myself out of it. It was too pretty to pass up!

So, here it is:20181103_0959328535295109664968297.jpg

I mean, really! Who can pass up pink flowers?! I did get the budget planner insert at Wal-mart because it was cheaper. I’m not sure why it’s $7 at the Wal-mart website. I got it in store for $5 and some change. Maybe it’s to compensate for the 2-day, free shipping.

The Classic Happy Planner itself was $24.99. I think these are about $14 at Wal-mart, but I really liked this one. 20181103_0842484507421873784572364.jpg

I’m just mad that I have to wait until 2019 to use the calendar…20181103_1000407501542499678119477.jpg


I absolutely love the budget planner, I need a lot of help with this…20181103_0842004425220390386373844.jpg







The dividers are extra cute too!20181103_1003365489116084834499896.jpg


And that is all folks! So, yeah…this is what I was doing at 5ish this morning!

And, I just got distracted and went to check out the Me & My Big Ideas Website, I might be in big trouble! So, if this is my last blog post, you will know my husband looked at the bank statement. Ooops!

I hope y’all have enjoyed looking at my new planner. I will hopefully let you know when I get more goodies for it. Have a wonderful Saturday!!!!


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