New Goodies!

Oh my gosh guys!!! I have to show you my new goodies from my shopping trip the other day! Yeah, I know, I actually left the house and went shopping. It was a beautiful day and now it’s just cold and yucky. I will be in hybernation mode soon and then all of my fun shopping will be done on Amazon. The cold makes my body hurt and then my fingers and toes go numb, its so much fun.

Anyway, back to my new goodies! Most of them are for my planner. I’m stocking up for when I’m stuck in the house! I started out on my way to Hobby Lobby and I ended going to Michael’s too.20181107_115904

Hobby Lobby had all of their Paper Studio products 50% off. I don’t shop at Hobby Lobby or Michael’s unless what I want is on sale.


I always need pens and stencils!



Michael’s had all of their Planners and Accessories on sale for 40% off so I had to have more stickers.


I had to have the pink paper and I love lists!


I have to share these little guys! I didn’t buy them so I may have to go back. They are too cute!


I also bought another insert for my planner. I feel like I actually need this one.











And last but not least I grabbed a few patterns that I absolutely had to have! You can’t beat $1.99 when the patterns are originally about $18. Now I have to drag out my sewing machine.



Oh yeah, I also bought one of those Diamond Art things with my 40% coupon. I have been dying to try it. That will be a whole other post hopefully sometime this week.

As always, thank you so much for taking time out of your day to visit me. Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday! See ya soon!


Our New Adventure

Hey guys! I would love for you to join us on our new adventure! For about 3 years, off and on, we have been house hunting. When the hubbs decided he was going to retire last year we kinda backed off. I kept hearing these horror stories about how we should have all of this money saved up because it could be months before he got his retirement pay and we would be lucky if the VA would pay us at all. And good luck finding a job!

We were both so stressed, according to everyone we would be broke! I was totally prepared to live in a cardboard box!

My husband eventually went on his 90 days of terminal leave and we started searching everywhere for his next job, but nothing even came close to what he was making. We had to go to these retirement meetings and decide if I wanted survivor benefits. I told my husband, “If something happens to you, I’m going to live on a beach and become a beach bum!”. The survivor benefits were not worth the cost, it was actually cheaper to get life insurance.

After all of this, it was time for the retirement ceremony, but we were not celebrating. We were coming up on what we thought was our last paycheck for a while. Finally, the letter from VA came with my husbands disability rating. It sat on the kitchen table for a few days because my husband likes to neglect his mail and he didn’t realize what it was. I asked him about it and he told me to open it. As I’m reading through it, I realize what it is. Not understanding the numbers, I asked him what all of these percentages meant.

I said, “According to this, you’re like 200% disabled!”. Then he realized that it was the letter that we had been waiting for, with the date that we would receive his disability check. In a few days! Thank God! We didn’t miss a payday! We received his retirement pay and his disability pay at the same time and we could breathe again.

He still wanted to go back to work. If I remember correctly, that same week, he received a job offer from an amazing contracting company on base. We were truly blessed and so thankful to not be moving into a cardboard box!

This blessing allowed us to start our house search again!

I re-installed my app on my phone and we would go on the weekends and look at houses. We both agreed that the house had to have everything that we both want and that we would not settle.

Our plan was that if we found something that we absolutely loved that we would rent out our current house. No problem! We looked at a lot of houses. We found one that I absolutely loved because of the huge windows in the kitchen and the living room. The problem was that when you looked out those big, beautiful windows, you were looking at the side of your neighbors house about 20 feet away. Ummm, No!

So, I found another house with this beautiful wrap around porch and decided to drive out and look at it while the kids were at school and the hubbs was at work. The house was ok, the garage was small and the kitchen was too small, but I fell in love with the neighborhood. It was outside the city limits and it was so quiet.

That weekend the hubbs and I drove out to the neighborhood. There were a few other houses for sale further back in the neighborhood. So we parked the truck and took a walk. I didn’t like anything we looked at. The kitchens were too small, the garages were too small, with 4 bedrooms there was no mancave. I know, I know, 1st world problems! But we were not settling!

I was getting frustrated at this point because I absolutely loved the neighborhood. The last house we looked at, I walked in to what I thought was the master bedroom (I will never live this down, my husband loves this story), it was tiny for a master bedroom. Of course, the hubbs went straight for the garage. After, seeing the “master bedroom”, I threw up my hands, “I’m done! I’m leaving and I’m going home!”.

So, I headed for the door! The hubbs said, “Did you go upstairs?, come on, lets look upstairs before we leave.”

Being the dramatic person that I am, I trudged up the stairs. The hubbs was way ahead of me as I was having my temper tantrum. He said, “Babe! That was not the master bedroom downstairs!”. I perked up a little bit. “What do you mean?”.

This is the master bedroom!!!

How does a house have 2 master bedrooms?! My mind was blown! I went straight for the windows. I love windows, especially with a view like this!


All was right with the world again! Temper tantrum averted! We fell in love with the house and my husband has a lovely, embarrassing story to tell our visitors.

I called our Randi (a.k.a. our amazing realtor) to let her know that we finally found the one! And then we ran into a problem. We currently have a VA loan on our house, to purchase this house we would need to have $33,000 or sell our house to be able to use our full VA loan. Our house is not ready to be put on the market.

Ugh! We don’t have $30,000 laying around. “What can we do?, I want this house, in this neighborhood!”. We decided that we would pick a lot and build, by the time the house is built, ours will be ready and on the market. So, that Friday there were 3 lots available, by Monday they were all sold. This was horrible news!

Fortunately, our Randi called later in the week to say that they would be starting phase 2 soon and we would have first pick of the lots. Finally!

Now the fun part begins! Our Randi made an appointment for us to go look at the lots that would accommadate our floor plan. We chose a beautiful 1.5 acres at the beginning of a cul-de-sac. This is perfect for the kiddos and the dogs, we won’t have random cars driving by our house all the time.

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Signing the contract was another pain in the rear. Phase 2 would go up in price by $10,000. But the good thing was, once we signed, our price was locked in. And I got a few extra goodies thrown in that would normally have an upgrade charge.

The great thing about building is that we get to choose everything. I’m not crazy about the colors in the original house. So the colors will be gray instead of the brown and pinkish color.

We started this adventure in August. We were supposed to have a road by early November, but with the yucky weather they are a bit behind.

Our Randi texted yesterday for us to make an appointment to pick out our selections. So, I wanted to get these pictures up so that you guys can come along on our adventure with us.

On with the tour of our floor plan:

Our Entryway…to the left is the fake master bedroom.


#1 is getting the Guest Suite…when she moves out, I’m turning it into a yoga studio!


#1’s Vanity



#1’s Bathtub



#2’s closet and bathroom

#3’s room…he is so excited about his little nook!

The hubb’s mancave

I call it a landing…I don’t know if that’s actually what its called!

If the hubbs gets a mancave and a 3 car garage, I get my own closet!

Our kitchen

Our living room

The laundry room

I almost forgot the Master bath

And I have to add this pic of #2 and #3 being goofy!

And that concludes the tour for now. Thank you for joining us on our new adventure. I should have more photos for you guys soon. Next: Selections!

To be continued…


Storms Last Night

Hey y’all! We survived the storms last night. The tornado sirens started going off at around 9:20. We were lucky and had minimal damage, we have a broken limb on our weeping willow in the front yard.IMG_9172

This was not my intended post for this morning, but I just wanted to take a minute and offer my thoughts and prayers for our neighbors to the east and south of us. According to the National Weather Service there were about 12 tornadoes that touched down.

In Christiana Tennessee a woman lost her life and two others were injured after her home collapsed. Another home was struck by lightening and caught fire. Thank God the man and his 3 children were able to escape unharmed. There are many homes that were completely destroyed.

Please pray for our neighbors this morning, I can’t even begin to imagine what they are going through.


Lazy Dinner

Good Morning Y’all! It is quite dreary in Tennessee this morning, apparently we have some bad storms that are supposed to move in tonight. I may be crazy, but I love it when the power goes out, we always end up involved in a very serious game of go fish or uno with some candles and all of the kids. If the power comes back on before we go to bed, then we all run around turning everything back off and continue our game. I love it!

So, I was super lazy last night, the hubbs decided that he wanted sandwiches so that I wouldn’t be stuck in the kitchen and we could just sit on the couch, eat and watch some Perry Mason. Yes I am binge watching Perry Mason! I love old tv shows!

We buy this 5 pound bucket of Papa Charlie’s Italian Style Beef from Sam’s Club. All I have to do is dump it in my stock pot and heat it up.IMG_9137

We got a giant bag of hoagie rolls and provolone. And of course I keep a stockpile of Hellman’s MayoIMG_9157

These are just too easy to make, perfect for a lazy Sunday! IMG_9149

Thank you for joining me and looking at my laziness! Hope you have a wonderful day!


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Loving My New Planner

Hi y’all! Hope everyone is doing well on this Saturday morning! I told the hubbs last night that I was going to sleep in this morning. He said, “yeah right!”. So, when I turn down the bed on Friday night I close the black-out curtains, I don’t do this through the week because I’m afraid I will oversleep.

When I woke up this morning I looked at my phone, “5AM! NO!”. I rolled over and tryed my hardest to go back to sleep, but it wasn’t happening, so I slipped into my fuzzy boots and made my way to the coffee pot. I made a cup of coffee, put on my fleece jacket and walked outside.

Ummm….Nope! It was, dark, foggy and a very brisk 37 degrees! My dogs wouldn’t even go outside! They looked at me like I was crazy!20181103_0530464840640312365223548.jpg

I turned right back around after I snapped my pic for you guys and headed for the laundry room. I threw a load of towels in the washing machine and decided to go ahead and wash the pans that I had soaking on the counter. Once that was done I decided to grab my new planner and turn on some Perry Mason.

I have to show you guys this new planner! It is gorgeous! I saw some at Wal-mart the other day and I talked myself out of getting one. I have this weird obsession with planners, notebooks, decorative paper, stickers, pens, etc…

The problem is, I’m running out of places to put all of these things that I love. I’m not supposed to be buying stuff, I’m supposed to be getting rid of stuff.

Then I made the mistake of going to Michaels the other day! They can see me coming from a mile away! They put the darn things right in the middle of the aisle where I have to walk by. I can’t just walk by, I have to stop and look and touch everything. This time I couldn’t talk myself out of it. It was too pretty to pass up!

So, here it is:20181103_0959328535295109664968297.jpg

I mean, really! Who can pass up pink flowers?! I did get the budget planner insert at Wal-mart because it was cheaper. I’m not sure why it’s $7 at the Wal-mart website. I got it in store for $5 and some change. Maybe it’s to compensate for the 2-day, free shipping.

The Classic Happy Planner itself was $24.99. I think these are about $14 at Wal-mart, but I really liked this one. 20181103_0842484507421873784572364.jpg

I’m just mad that I have to wait until 2019 to use the calendar…20181103_1000407501542499678119477.jpg


I absolutely love the budget planner, I need a lot of help with this…20181103_0842004425220390386373844.jpg







The dividers are extra cute too!20181103_1003365489116084834499896.jpg


And that is all folks! So, yeah…this is what I was doing at 5ish this morning!

And, I just got distracted and went to check out the Me & My Big Ideas Website, I might be in big trouble! So, if this is my last blog post, you will know my husband looked at the bank statement. Ooops!

I hope y’all have enjoyed looking at my new planner. I will hopefully let you know when I get more goodies for it. Have a wonderful Saturday!!!!


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Accepting Fall

Good Morning Y’all! I was actually wide awake at about 5:30 when my husband got up for work, I don’t even like getting up at 6:30 to get the kids off to school. Not sure what’s going on today, despite the chilly, dreary weather that we’re having in our little part of Tennessee, I’m feeling pretty good. My thyroid must not be awake yet!

I’ve had my coffee, I’m dressed and my bed is made. While drinking my coffee this morning I was looking through my gardening pictures from the spring and summer and they brightened my morning. I don’t do well when the weather starts to change in the fall because I know that I will soon be trapped in the house. I have seasonal depression and it really sucks!

Maybe I just need to have these pictures enlarged and hang them all over the house. Anyway, I do want to share them with all of you and hopefully brighten your day as well.

Warning: Picture Overload Starting Now!

I may have a slight addiction to Hostas!












One of my new garden beds!


#2 was supposed to be helping me build these, but that didn’t last long…




Thankfully my hubbs installed the new rain barrel!




My houseplants always get to come outside when its warm for some fresh air.


Saved this little guy from Lowe’s





My Frog Prince


My other Frog Prince…I’m pretty sure this one wouldn’t wear a crown!




I want to share a few critters…


This big, beautiful girl!


This poor little guy got trapped in one of my big, empty flower pots. I no longer leave empty flower pots sitting around.


A brand new baby, we always have to be careful before we cut the grass.


I took this pic to send to my mom, she is terrified of walking sticks! “Sticks shouldn’t have legs and they shouldn’t walk around!” Lol!


This crazy little guy crawled out of his shell and then proceded to climb onto my foot and up my leg and wouldn’t leave me alone.




And I saved my favorite little critter for last. I absolutely adore this little guy. He is very nosy and he gets into everything…






I caught him stealing a tomato!


And I will finally end this post with decorating for our 3rd of July party…


And a beautiful sunset…


Thank you for joining me for this extra long post featuring my favorite time of year! Happy Friday!!!


Crocheting for Charity

Hi y’all! It has been a super quiet morning compared to yesterday. Halloween is finally over, which means I am behind on one of my favorite activities. Every year I crochet for charity. Last year I crocheted Wildlife Rescue Nests these nests are sent out to wildlife rehabilitators all over the world. My heart melts when I see the little critters all snuggled up in their nests. Go check out the web-site and you will see what I mean.

These are a few of my nests from last year:


This year I’m choosing Warm Up America and I want to scarf bomb the city for our homeless that need to keep warm in the frigid temps. Warm Up America is a wonderful charity that was started by Evie Rosen in 1991. Sadly, she passed away in 2012, but her legacy lives on and she will always be remembered. She is such an amazing inspiration!

They are always accepting:

Finished adult, child, and baby size afghans
Adult hats
Baby clothing
7″ x 9″ knit and crochet sections

They also have a current needs section on their website for specific items. If you don’t knit or crochet they also accept financial contributions.

There is a resources section where they offer tips, patterns and assembly instructions for the afghans. You can even learn how to knit. Please go check out their website and consider donating some time to Warm Up America!

As always, thank you so much for stopping by and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’m going to snuggle up on the couch and get to work on some scarves. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!


Oven Tacos

This was my original intended post for this morning, before my morning went to crap. Its ok though, moving on! I wanted to do something a little different, maybe its different, I’m not sure. I want to do a recipe review.

I love Pinterest! Its one of my favorite things. I can go to one website and find just about anything that I want to know. I managed to get my husband addicted too. This is my go to place for recipes. Morgan aka #2 wanted tacos for dinner last night. So I found a recipe for oven tacos. This sounded like a dream come true, you put everything in one pot, fill the taco shells, cover with cheese and throw them in the oven. How hard could it be?

Hmmm…so I have all of my ingredients. We’re off to a good start!20181030_150012.jpg

I decided to just cook everything in my Instant Pot. It seems to work better than my stove top. The first task was to chop the dreaded onion. I hate chopping onions! A few years ago my father-in-law gave me this nifty chopper/slicer thing. It was one of those tv ads, you know the one, buy one, get one free, all you pay is the shipping. I love it! It makes chopping onions a lot less painful.20181030_151651.jpg

Next, I threw the ground beef and the onions in the Instant Pot set it on saute and in a few minutes it was nice and brown. I didn’t drain the meat, you will probably need to drain it if its not lean.20181030_153556.jpg

Then I added my Tomato Sauce, Refried Beans (I bought the wrong sized can), Green Chiles and Taco Seasoning (I cheated and used pre-packaged seasoning)20181030_155920.jpg

Now all I had to do was stir everything and cook for another minute.20181030_160538.jpg

After that I stuffed 18 Taco Shells and crammed them into my 9×13 Pyrex baking dish.20181030_161311.jpg

I loaded them up with 2 cups of Colby jack cheese. And threw them in the oven, pre-heated to 400 degrees for 12 minutes.20181030_161628.jpg

After 12 minutes you will have a delicious cheesy mess! 20181030_163827.jpg

So, mine came out super soggy and we ended up scooping them out on a plate, topping them with sour cream and eating them with a fork. It was still delicious and we’ve renamed it Taco Pie! I only spent about $20 for all of the ingredients, it made a lot of food and the family enjoyed it. Cheap, easy and edible! I give it an A+!

Oven Tacos

2 lbs. Lean Ground Beef
1-Small Onion Diced
1-4.5 oz. Can Diced Green Chiles
1 recipe for Homemade taco seasoning (below) (I cheated & used 2-1 oz. packages of seasoning)
1 (8 ounce) can low sodium tomato sauce (I used an 8 oz. can with no salt added)
1 (16 ounce) can fat free refried beans (I also screwed this up and used a 31 oz. can)
2 cups shredded reduced fat Colby-jack cheese (I used 2 cups of all the fat cheese)
18-20 hard taco shells

Taco Seasoning
1 tablespoon chili powder
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon black pepper

In a small bowl, mix all together. Store in an airtight container.

MIH Recipe Blog has some other recipes that look really good as well!

Here is a link to the recipe that I found on pinterest: Oven Tacos

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Go Back to Bed!

Do you ever have one of those mornings where you know you should just go back to bed? Yep, today is gonna be one of those days! I don’t have a traditional alarm clock, I rely on my phone to wake me up. I set 2 alarms just to make sure, I like to snooze the first one, it makes me think I’m getting extra sleep. Well, my phone decided to shut off in the middle of the night and I wake up to my daughter tapping me, “Mom, are you getting up? Its 7:04!”

Holy crap! My son has tutoring on Wednesdays and Fridays and has to be at school at 7:15, my daughter has to be at school by 7:30 at the latest. Ugh! Thankfully my son can eat breakfast at school and Morgan called her sisters boyfriend, who lives right down the street. Crisis averted. They are both at school on time!

Usually my day starts out with a coffee and I like to sit outside and relax for a few minutes before my day actually starts. Today is majorly out of order, but I got my coffee and checked my phone. New text message from Daddy:

Screenshot_20181031-075608_Message+.jpgMy husband has PTSD from 4 deployments. He has developed this horrible anxiety and is overprotective and super vigilant. I love him to death, but it drives me crazy. I also have severe anxiety and today is one of those days, which reminds me, I need to take my meds.

After replying to this message like I always do, I took my coffee and went outside. I noticed that the neighbors dog was staring at me, he’s this big beautiful black lab and pitbull mix. I absolutely love him. He usually comes over and visits and pees on stuff. So I was talking to him as I sat down and this happened:

This is one of my very favorite mugs, I think I found it at TJ Maxx years ago. This is when I told myself that I should just go back to bed, but I have hope that the day will get better and I should probably stay away from the lawn tractor and not blow my leaves around the yard. Hopefully cleaning the house and maybe some crochet will be safer! Thank you for listening to me ramble about my morning and I hope all of you have a much better day than how my morning started out.
